anyone fancy a ‘bike car boot sale’ ?

I have been tidying up the garage and have an assemblage of various pieces of surplus kit, tyres etc, which I’d be happy to move on , but too bulky or low value to post. I was wondering whether there are any such ‘car boot sales’ about, or whether we should have one ?


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  1. We used to have these years ago: “Saddlebag sales”. Were usually a good laugh as people were slagged with no mercy for the old tat they were selling… :8-)

  2. Have you got a snorkel for sale? Think I’m going to convert to bog snorkelling.

  3. Good idea – sold most stuff on singletrack etc. But one man’s tat is another man’s treasure!

  4. what have you got?

  5. road tyres, mtb tyres, some new, some used, some mechs etc that type of thing..

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