Auchindrain tomorrow (sunday)

I’m riding the auchindrain loop tomorrow with a couple of friends, leaving Glasgow at 8am. Thanks Graham / Rysard for the info, hopefully we’ll not get lost. If anyone else fancies coming along just let me know 07754865510

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  1. It’s not a great route in the winter, sorry to say….

    take a snorkel and plenty of tubes, food etc. though !!

  2. It was actually nowhere near as wet as we imagined – we had a great ride, some sunshine and only one puncture. The ‘big river’ only reached just over my ankles and the rest of me was hardly wet at all. Much more rideable than expected too. Unfortunately a lot of fallen trees on the route back over the hill so we turned round and came back over the forest drive, which was still quite pretty and it was nice to have an ‘easier’ route on the way back. We even finished in daylight!

  3. wow, glad it worked out 🙂 The main river ‘bed’ used to become at least 2 feet deep in part at the merest suggestion of rain !

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