Campbeltown trip 16th/17th May

Me and Tom have been hatching a plan for a West-coast adventure next weekend.  It involves an evening ferry (18.40) from Ardrossan to Campbelltown on the Friday night (16th May) then an overnight stay in the backpacker place in Campbeltown.  With an early start on the Saturday, we’ll follow the kintyre way up to Claonaig then get the 16.20 ferry to Lochranza, 20mile cycle over a hill to Brodick, last ferry (19.20) back to Ardrossan for chips and medals.   I should probably point out that neither of us have done this trip before so have no idea what it will be like or if the timings are feasible or whether we’ll end up missing ferries, getting stranded etc. So we take no responsibility if it all goes pear-shaped!! The makings of a true adventure!

If anyone else wants to come, you are more than welcome. Let me know as soon as possible as I’ll be booking the backpackers tomorrow.  I haven’t got a precise distance for how far the kintyre way is between campbelltown and Claonaig. It’s 35miles on road so probably more like 45-50 on a mixture of trails, minor roads and fire roads as well as some open moorland. It wiggles across the peninsula and is supposed to have some amazing views.  A cross bike is probably the best option if possible. Anyone keen for a trip somewhere new?


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  1. Should be a good ride, it’s a very beautiful but seldom visited bit of the country.

  2. Sam_I hate hillclimbs_Groves

    Are you sure you’ll be up for mtb on the Sunday after this?! I have friends who walked it a few years ago. It may have been improved since then but they said navigation not easy due to v limited signage and crossing fields with no obvious paths. Especially the southern section. But it’ll be a adventure and be good to hear about it after! Sam

    • I’ll have the route on GPS and maps so should be OK to follow. I think a few sections will be tough but back up plan is the very scenic and quiet B road on the east side. We’re planning on starting in Campbeltown so we’ll miss the southern section from Southend which by all accounts is quite hard going over moors etc. Plan C is a credit card and emergency B&B if darkness falls.

  3. There’s been a couple of guys on stw that have rode the Kintyre way, a google search should turn up their blogs about it, remember thinking it looked good. Getting from Lochranza to Brodick will take about 75 minutes at a reasonable pace, that’s if you go direct, which I think is the only option ATM as the string road is closed for major works.
    4 of us had a weekend jaunt over there, riding over Arran, but heading north and camping in Lochgilphead, then riding to Oban and having a night there, before going onto fort William and getting the train home. Followed the cycle route all the way, all on nice wee country roads/cycle paths, nothing exciting but a nice way to see that part if the country.

    Fish and chips – cafe palazzo at the very top of Glasgow street in ardrossan, means venturing out the car in ardrossan, but the fish is worth it!.

  4. Sam, as long as we make the ferry, Greg’s chippy will provide the rejuvenation needed to ride the next day! Sure it will be fine. Thanks for the tips Greg.

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