Danny MacAskill & Clan at Riverside

Here is a taster and a link to a very good event, thanks Sam


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  1. absolutley brilliant event, and the kids had a blast too !

  2. It was excellent, cost me a few quid as I had to get a ‘scoot’ for my littlest one after seeing them in the demo area…maybe just pass it to santa to deliver!

    Good event – loads for kids to do, except my eldest daughter seems scared of bikes, tried to get her on the demo areas and failed! The shiney Saracen MTB I got on her birthday may need to go into storage for six years as my other kid is mad keen on bikes. We had a brilliant day though and I am kicking myself for not riding the airbag.

  3. There are 1 or 2 dodgy looking characters at the show. A very shady looking guy in picture 0042. Think I might have seen him on crimewatch? LOL.

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