HSE Outdoor Specific First Aid Training UPDATE

Hi all,

I posted about this earlier in the week, see here http://www.gmbc.org.uk/?p=2700

In a nutshell…….a group of us were at Glentress at the weekend witnessed another rider coming a cropper at the jump park, fortunately it wasn’t one of our group but nonetheless it was a fellow biker. An ambulance and helicopter later, it was proven that we didn’t have a clue about First Aid.

So, from a personal point of view and to benefit club members, I’ve organised a specific First Aid Training course that is more in depth than the session we did a few years ago at the club hall.

So First Aid Update!

My workplace can run a 12 hour HSE First Aid course which complies with MBLA’s requirements for TCL & MBL. It will cover training dedicated to our sport and include the areas listed in the attached Scottish Cycling MBLA outline.

As it’s a course being delivered by an HSE Approved Centre, there is a strict limit to 12 places. If we get huge interest, I can look into running another. My workplace are only charging £25 per person. The trainer will be doing this in his own time, therefore isn’t being paid for it, so I reckon we all club together an extra fiver for a meal out . We normally charge £200 + vat for an equivalent course, so we’re getting a stonking deal.

I’ve still to confirm the delivery of the course. This will be run at my workplace near the Riverside Museum, my theory is we all do 4 nights of 3 hour sessions that can be run over 4 consecutive weeks. I will confirm this and dates soon. (i.e. Four Mondays in a row)

So far, I have 6 names; Grant, Graham, Stephen Malaney, Dene, Bradley and myself. I’m afraid it’s first come first served, so let me know if you’re in as soon as possible please.

Please note, that this is a special offer aimed at our current club members. If you aren’t a club member you are still welcome to attend, although the fee is £50. (If you are one of these individuals, my advice would be to pay the £25 membership fee, get the first aid course for £25 and you’ll also gain other club benefits and offers in the future).

Best regards


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  1. Oops! I missed Sanny out. I’ve got interest from John Bennie & Ryszard – subject to dates. Currently that leaves 3 places.

    I hope to have dates and delivery method by the end of the week.

  2. Chris Johnstone, Luke Devereux and Alan Linstead have reserved the last 3 places.

    Some of the folk who’ve reserved a place are attending subject to dates. If we get a lot more interest, I will look into organising another course.

  3. Count me in too, please. However, I’ll also need to check out the dates.


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