Tweedlove: Shand Local Ride Outs (Selkirk)

Weather permitting I’ll be heading down to Selkirk to get a ride in with the locals as part of the Tweedlove festival, here’s the event blurb:

“Free events, just turn up and ride.

These rides kind of say what TweedLove is all about. Local riders share some of their favourite trails on these informal, friendly MTB rides. Just turn up and join us for a choice of rides around the valley. Routes vary according to weather and who turns up and usually last a couple of hours or so.

Free to join in – let’s give a big shout for our access legislation here in Scotland. All ride-outs are mixed groups except where noted. These are informal bike rides, and not officially guide-supported. Hosted by volunteer local riders. Treat it like a normal bike ride where you’re responsible for yourself and your bike – just meeting up with some new riding pals. You and your bike take part at your own risk. Anyone under 16 must be with a responsible adult.”