Anyone up for a day in the lakes?

Robin, myself and possibly a few others are planning a days riding in the lakes on Saturday 17th of November, if anyone is up for it?. Planning a pretty early start, as we aim to be riding about 9am. Not decided where we are riding yet, but it will probably be something like this –



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  1. I headed down yesterday to ride the Borrowdale Bash. We rode the cheeky stuff to Watendlath and the permissive path off Honister before carrying up Castle Crag (stunning tech ride off the top) and up onto the Cat Bells saddle. An absolutely stunning day – azure blue skies, ice, amazing visibility, dry trails – brilliant and back home to Glasgow for half five.

  2. Sounds ideal Sanny, is the cheeky stuff to watendlath along the side of the burn? I fancy doing the 4 passes, but reckon I’d be struggling for daylight now, hauling this fat erse takes a wee bit longer!. 😉

  3. Hi Greg
    It sure is. It was glorious to ride along on Saturday. I’m not exactly sure how long the 4 passes would take you or me though my gut feel from looking at the map is I could knock it out comfortably in 8 hours so an early dawn start (back of 7) would give me enough time to complete it in daylight with time to spare. Once you’re in, you’re committed so may be better to leave for a Spring day if you have doubts.

  4. Yeah I’d be up for a ride. If you want to be riding at 9am I guess we’re talking about leaving Glasgow at 6am?!

  5. Yip, would be slightly dictated by the route though, if its a biggish day I’d leave at that sort of time.

  6. We left at 6.32am and allowing for a poo / coffee break for Ozzie Andy were riding from Keswick just after 9am. Not bad for riding in another country!

    Personally, I’d go for the Alpine start of leave at 5 and be riding as the sun is coming up around 7.30. Me and a mate Roddy did a 6am start for Kinlochleven a couple of weeks ago and were ridng just after 8 and got back for just after 4. It’s definitely the way to go for epic late autumn / early winter rides!

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