Mugdock MTB Orienteering Event: Sat. 20th April

As mentioned at the AGM, we’re pleased to announce that GMBC are hosting the 2nd round of the Scottish Mountain Bike Orienteering Spring League, sponsored by Alpine Bikes, on Saturday 20th April at Mugdock Country Park.

If you are unfamiliar with MTB orienteering (called Trailquest in the past) then the objective is to visit as many of the 30 checkpoints as possible within the 3 hour time limit.  The event is within a defined area and a map and list of checkpoints will be provided on the day.  It’s up to you which route you ride so you take in as many checkpoints before your 3 hours is up.

The event is open to adults and children over the age of 15 (or over the age of 12 as part of a generations team).  You can enter as a solo or a pair.  There will be a fantastic selection of prizes & spot prizes for competitors.  The event is now available to enter via this BMBO page.

Prices to enter the event are as follows: Continue reading

Week Day Rides

The midweek club rides are at 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start on Wednesdays and start from behind  the Jaw Brew Pub in Milngavie.  Parking is available at Milngavie train station car park.

What Three Words location:

There’s no need to join GMBC to come along to your first few rides.  The routes and durations vary to suit the conditions & those present.  Covid restrictions permitting, tea, biscuits, changing facilities and bike wash are available afterwards.  All you need is a well maintained off road suitable bike, a spare tube, pump and multi-tool and some enthusiasm.

Please use the GMBC Ride Form to sign up for a published ride.

Remember: no-helmet, no ride!

Continue reading

Trail Maintenance/Tidy Up – 15th Dec – POSTPONED!

Update: The Rangers have advised that the trails are frozen just now so we’re going to postpone the trail maintenance into the new year.

As mentioned at the AGM last week, here are the details of a trail maintenance session planned in conjunction with the Mugdock Park Rangers – post up on the event calendar if you can make it along:

AGM, Wednesday 28 November

As you’re hopefully aware, the AGM is scheduled for Wednesday 28 November, 7:45pm at the hall.  The constitution states that “Items for inclusion on the Agenda of any General Meeting shall reach the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting.” If there is anything that you would like to propose for inclusion, please email details to sometime this week. The agenda will be published a week before the meeting.   As usual, all are welcome to attend, but only current members are eligible to vote on any matters. This is your chance to voice your opinions and shape your club, so please make the effort to come along.

GMBC AGM 2012 Agenda (PDF)