Club Top Update

First up an apology for not keeping members informed on the current club top position. The committee has been hit pretty hard this year with members moving away, new jobs and new arrivals. This has unfortunately meant that some things have taken longer to sort out than anybody would have wished.

You will recall that we had a set of club tops designed to allow members to try on the various styles and sizes. We took orders at that time however, having seen the physical examples of the tops we decided to incorporate a number of small changes into the final design before placing the order.

Unfortunately, soon after the sample tops were produced Alan Doyle, who was designing the tops for us, left Dales. It then took us some time to get the design files from Dales and then find somebody who could make the changes to the original design. In the mean time, one of the sample jerseys has been used by a club member who has not given entirely positive feedback on the quality of the top. This might be a reflection of that top only or might be a reflection of the general quality. At this time the Committee are reviewing the situation with the possibility that an alternative supplier is approached to fill the order.

As you will know the AGM is on the 26th of November if you are able to come along we would hope to be able to update you further then.


The Committee

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One Comment

  1. Need to start looking for something else for the wife’s Christmas I guess

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