Did anybody ride Wednesday?

Two new-to-GMBC riders went along for the 7:45pm ride yesterday.  They arrived at 7:20pm, but, when nobody else had turned up by 7:45pm, gave up and left.  Were there really no club members out for the main ride?  Conditions were a bit slippery but OK on Tuesday, which saw 17 out.  With the forecast and actual conditions fine for last night, it’s disappointing to think that nobody turned up.  Or was everybody down the SECC for the Iron Maiden gig? ;~)

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  1. I arrived just after 7.45, Chris was already there and Luke joined a few minutes later. The 3 of us set off just before 8, I think. No sign of anyone else, far less the 2 you mention, Ryszard, are you sure they were at the right place?
    We had an enjoyable Dumgoyne Loop, mostly keeping ahead of the midgies except when one of us (not mentioning names but it wasn’t Luke and it wasn’t me!) walloped his back tyre off a rock at the edge along the dead straight flat bit of the WHW, before the right turn towards the distillery, stopped to inflate it thinking it maybe just a slow, but had to stop again at the top of the climb to change the tube.
    Only other incident was having to stand aside at the climb up the back of the houses in Strathblane to allow a jittery horse to be led down by its carer.
    And a most congenial pint in the Burnbrae to finish off the evening! This could start a new pattern for Wednesday night rides?

  2. 3 of us were out. Bit of a poor show, especially as the weather turned out nice.

    I was a bit late, so I’m not sure what Phil and Chris were at the club for – but they can’t have been more than 5 minutes late. Nice gentle Dumgoyne loop was enjoyed by all with a cheeky pint afterwards.

  3. Hi,

    Only 4 of us for the intro ride at 7pm, we left about 7.10. No one was a new rider with the club, but it was a warm, nice night, and we even tried the Flux! Very muddy and slippy, so there were a few tumbles! Got back to hall about 9.30pm, no one else back by then. Why didn’t they come to the intro ride at 7?

  4. OK, thanks for letting me know. I’ll get back to them and make sure that they were in the right place.

  5. I thought wednesday at 7pm was an intro ride for folk new to GMBC though? Not just beginners? Last week there was 4 guys out for the first time, all good enough on the bikes so they were told they would be okay to do tuesdays if they wanted…. have I got this wrong??

    • It’s aimed at those new to riding off-road. That’s what I’ve been telling people, anyway, and… that’s what it says top-right of all the pages on here :~) It was to cater for the increasing number of people that contact us having little or no experience.

  6. I was out and so was Sanny separately, but we were both late over (the joys of parenthood).

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