Planning Ahead- Away Ride- Sunday 21st August


Does anyone fancy doing Glen Ample ride Sunday 21st? For those who don’t know it, start in Kilmahog outside Callander and head up towards Strathyre. All the way through a gorgeous and quiet Glen to Lochearnhead, then back down some of Route 7. (thinks its about 20km in total).

I was up there a week ago for the first time and the singletrack is great, not to mention the scenery!!

I know this used to be a GMBC favourite, and reckon its about time it was put back on the away ride list. and, plenty of notice too!

Show  of hands if you think you may be interested. I’ll be going anyway….


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  1. I’m in for this one, sounds great.

  2. Hi Folks,

    Did you know this was already on the club ride calendar? It’s planned for 28th Aug. This also co-incides with the Callander beer festival!!

  3. LOL -)

    Sam – I had heard that the singletrack section out the way, which used to be river crossing and techy rocky stuff had been bulldozed and sanitised ?

  4. oops, sorry Graham, I didn’t realise that! Can’t make that weekend, so I’ll be doing it on 21st anyway. Beer Fest a bit pants, its just one pub Laide Inn, although the beer is good!

    Iain- not sure the answer as I’ve never riden it before. I can tell you that it was still a fast, loose, descent down to Lochearnhead with plenty of water splashes! Not exactly single, single track all the way but still had to ride across a big grassy meadow with no path.
    On a sunny day, with such gorgeous scenery, I wouldn’t rite it off just yet!

  5. Sam,
    We can’t make the 28th either, but would be keen to go on the 21st (weather permitting!)

  6. I mentioned this last night, but I’m still looking to go on the 21st.

  7. if goes back to the 28th I’m hopefully in .Can’t do the 21st bummer also if memory serves when the bridge first washed away we had a few options to avoid it one was a almost a swim right enough.

  8. Hi Sam,

    I’m up for this. Please let us know meeting times / place etc. I have space in the car for 1 person & bike if needed.


  9. I’m interested in this, but would need a lift up!

    • I can provide a lift from the West end / Milngavie area if that’s any good for you?

    • Hiya,
      It seems to me that there is enough interest to keep this as 21st August. Sorry Neil, next time!
      I suggest we meet at Kilmahog Woollen Mill car park at 10.30am.
      There will be places to stop for lunch/cake in Lochearnhead and Ballquidher, but I suggest people bring neough food anyway. If the weather is good, we could make a day of it, if bad, might want to blast faster!! Either way, we will get a bit wet as a few water crossings in the Glen.
      Let’s hope for sunshine!

      • Balquidder …..Tea and scones at the old library tea room hop skip and jump from Rob Roy Macgregor, that lovable rogues resting place if paying respects.Sorry I’ll miss This time unless I get off of here for good behaviour.

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