Stolen bike

Last week (13/4/11) 4 wee neds nicked my bike from outside my house during the day. It was locked onto my car and they managed to free it off. So I guess firstly – be a bit more vigilant than usual, there are a lot of wee dodgy guys out there that want your shiny stuff. And secondly if you see or here about it please let me know.

Here’s the spec; Santa Cruz Chameleon – yellow, white sprayed revelations with farahjay graphic, pure racing i900 seatpost, fixik gobi ti seat, sunline 745 bars, xo shifters, x9 mech, elixir 5 brakes, slx crankset, hope pro 2 hubs on 719 rims, superstar flats, high rollers, odi ruffians.

(couple of changes since the photo was taken)

cheers Dene

About Dene

likes biking
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  1. You must be gutted…Damn good bike…I know, I had a white one.

    I’m curious what was it locked to and what kind of lock?

    Hope you get it back, they get caught and you get the insurance claim.

  2. It was locked to my Thule cycle carrier via the lockable clamp which is part of the cycle carrier. Insurance have paid up but would rather not have had the bike stolen.

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