Scottish Cycling: 4 year strategy workshop

We’re looking for your input to a Scottish Cycling workshop where they will be consulting on their 2019 – 2023 strategy.  As we’re an affiliated club, two GMBC committee members will be be attending one of the workshops later this week where cycling clubs will be invited to share their thoughts on what can the governing body can do to develop the sport.

There was a survey issued to collect comments but it’s closed now.  If you didn’t complete the survey, or didn’t even know about it but want to have some input then now’s your chance.  Perhaps consider;

  • what they are doing well & should continue
  • what they could do better at
  • anything they should focus on
  • what do you think the sport’s governing body should be doing to promote cycling (in all it’s varieties)

For reference, here is the page where Scottish Cycling publicised their strategy review.  Please have a read and send us your thoughts.

Please send your feedback to info[AT]gmbc[DOT]org[DOT]uk before 4pm on Thursday 23-Aug