I didn’t get a proper head count tonight, but 15+ folks out tonight for Loch Ardinning. Fantastic view from the cairn. Trails all running sweet as you could hope for after the lengthy dry spell – get out there and make the most of it while it lasts!
Author: Ryszard
Rides this week
Tuesday ride
Car key found, Riverside
Alpine bikes club night Tue 5/4/2011
Sorry for the short notice, but I only received notice of this myself 30 minutes ago:
We are holding our club night tomorrow evening from 6pm till 8pm we have good fantastic discounts on everything in store and discounts on new bikes. These apply only for this night.
This is being held at the alpine bikes store situated in the Tiso outdoor experience
50 Couper street, glasgow, G4 0DL
0141 559 5450
Please contact members of your club and attend the night to receive these discounts
Hope to see you tomorrow
Just testing the posting by email feature. Nothing to see here :~)
Tuesday ride
16 out tonight (18 until Jacqui and Simon abandonned due to new chain not meshing with a worn chainring). Lovely night, great ride, nice to see a bunch of old faces return after the winter, plus a few new ones, biggest work-out I’ve had in a while. As Sanny mentioned, Mugdock is currently the west’s biggest frogging spot, so any wet paths near water best avoided at the moment unless you fancy yourself as an amphibian serial killer. I was slightly disturbed by those taking photographs: frog’s porn?