Social ride

Howdy all,

just a wee reminder about the Saturday social ride that is scheduled for the first Saturday in June.  (That will be the 4th)  So far there has been quite a bit of interest in this ride so it is looking good.

Currently there are no limitations on numbers, where you join the ride, where you leave the ride, how many coffee’s and scones you have, how many lunches you have or how much you may have to drink.

A reminder of the route.  Mostly off-road, leaving Milngavie at 10 heading to the Carbeth via various trails. From Carbeth to the Blane Valley Inn.  Then to Kincaid House Hotel Milton of Campsie from there to the Stables in Kirkie and finally finish off in the Torrance or Wheatsheaf Inn before returning, on a leasurly ride, on the back roads to Milngavie.


Alpine bikes club night Tue 5/4/2011

Sorry for the short notice, but I only received notice of this myself 30 minutes ago:

We are holding our club night tomorrow evening from 6pm till 8pm we have good fantastic discounts on everything in store and discounts on new bikes. These apply only for this night.

This is being held at the alpine bikes store situated in the Tiso outdoor experience

50 Couper street, glasgow, G4 0DL
0141 559 5450

Please contact members of your club and attend the night to receive these discounts

Hope to see you tomorrow



WordPress help wanted

I’m impressed by the new GMBC site. Can anyone help me with a WordPress updrade to one of my websites please ( I’ll pay for your time and I’m thinking that half a day in our office (just north of Charing Cross) should do it – I’ve mapped out what I’m looking for, got the access codes to the site hosting and am WordPress registered. Please e me Thanks, Simon Haslam

Baldernock Cycle Gala

Anyone who thought of going to the gala at solid rock cycles in Balmore and decided not to , missed a treat. The Clan stunt team turned up with Danny McCaskill on board and gave an outstanding display of acrobatics. I had only seen the youtube clips of Danny McCaskill, but to watch from 10 feet away was breathtaking, the guy is a genius on a bike and the rest of the Clan were equally brilliant.

Thursday Road Ride

Thursday 24th: Stephen Malaney, Chris, No Helmet Al and myself headed off up over the Stockiemuir. Down and round by Dumgoyne and through Strathblane. Up the hill to Mugdock and back. Good ride no real straggling. No idea of distance or speed.

Fine selection of bikes: Al on his carbon  Boardman with the new mavic wheels which take it under the legal racing weight (so he had to carry the bag of tools and spares)… Chris had an old Raleigh titanium out for the first time. Stephen had his Cannondale Cross bike with 25s and (due to a last minute puncture) I had my usual mtb (with road wheels)..


Good to see Stephen making it from so far away.


31st  March 2011:  Next week it will be light much later- so plan would be to do the Auchencarroch mega – loop?  35 miles – 2.5 hours Or just the Auchencarroch loop? 32 miles – 2 hours


Hope to see a few out.

Good days!

Nice work guys and gals on the new site. It looks terrific!

A great wee ride last night – out over Drumclog and onto the top moor with a great mix of some familiar and some not so familiar trails. As predicted, it was frog central. Good to see a few faces who we haven’t seen out in a while too. We pushed the pace on the descents meaning we got back bang on ten for a right good post ride blether. Here’s hoping the almost hot weather continues for a while.