Just a final update to confirm the ride plans for the weekend. If anyone is planning on coming along for either day let us know.
Friday night – depends a bit on the weather and when people arrive. If there’s appetite for it then a wee fireroad spin up Ben Gullipen in time for sunset could be on the cards. Maybe pack a headtorch just in case. The Lade Inn is also another possible destination for an evening ride. Graham is going to email round those registered so far to gauge interest.
Saturday – “red”/medium ride – leaving the hostel about 10:30, to do a loop of the Mentieths on a mix of fireroad, cycle path and singletrack. Aiming for a mid ride stop in Aberfoyle around lunchtime. As we’ll be riding in Aberfoyle on Sunday we’ll not take in most of the techy trails but, depending on those present, there could be a wee detour en route to the lunch stop for some singletrack. Aiming to be back at the hostel by 4pm for munchies and merriment.
Saturday – Gnarr ride – leaving the hostel at 10:00, the final plan will be dependant on the weather and decided on the Friday night at the hostel; option (1) Ben Ledi and Stank Glen, 25km(ish), riding from the hostel, climbing/pushing up Ben Ledi and descending down the same path, taking in some of the trails in Stank Glen before returning to the hostel; option (2) Ben Vorich mega-loop, 45km, riding from the hostel and mix of fireroad/singletrack/big push to the top, ride down the main Ben Vorlich path and returning via Glen Ample or NCR 7. Given the recent weather option (1) is much more likely but both options are fairly remote with techy/rocky descending, with limited options for cafe stops etc so pack for big day out and bring plenty of food and water and knee pads etc.
Sunday – Variety of rides out of Aberfoyle, plus, there’s a Dales Cycles demo day for GMBC and friends of GMBC in Aberfoyle on Sunday, based in the main car park. Ali from Dales will be hosting it so come along and maybe try a bike on the skills loop or on some of the local trails.
Original post with full detail of the weekends plans here;