Midge repellent

Just wondered, in a fairly non-scientific way, how effective the various repellent products are?  We all have our favourite, but how many got bitten and how many times?

From last nights ride at least 4 used Smidge, at least one used Skin so Soft and there may have been a Jungle user too.

Any comments so far:- I got less than 10 bites in total using Smidge.


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  1. Been using Smidge in the last year. I’ve found it pretty good – typically only getting bitten where I’ve not applied it. It’s not an oil slick like SSS and it doesn’t melt plastic like Jungle Formula, smells alright too.

  2. I borrowed your Smidge Simon and I have only a couple of bites so thumbs up from me.

  3. Been trying Smidge instead of the chemical armageddon of Jungle Formula, and have found it just as effective on evening rides (haven’t tried it on anything longer), i.e. zero bites where applied. Nice citrus smell, and I like the picture of the bug on the front :~)

  4. Sam_I hate hillclimbs_Groves

    yes, your Smidge seemed to work for me. No bites from last night, although I’m not sure there were that many midges about! Cheers, though.

  5. I have been using Smidge this ‘summer’ and not a single bite. It is also a tick repellant….

    All that said, the amount of standing water and flying mud last night pretty much removed any and all applied lotions and replaced with a warm soggy mess of yeuch !!!!!

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