Glentress Ride Report

Dene, thanks for your post suggesting a club ride at Glentress!  Great idea!  Really sorry you couldn’t make it along because of your snowboarding injury.  But Dene, if you’re reading this, it was a terrible day out; nobody enjoyed it, the trails were grim, the bikes were terrible, the weather was just awful.  Now, for everyone else, here’s what you really missed…..

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Glentress on Sunday anyone?

Given that the weather has played havoc with so many forests and paths I’m planning a trip to the relative clear and well drained centre that is Glentress on Sunday. I’m heading down ready to ride for about 10.30 am. Do holler if you fancy it, the more the merrier. Probably riding a mixture of trails dependant on conditions etc. Meet you in the new caff.
