Video: Barry’s Sluggangranish Mega Jump

The Aviemore weekender was definitely one of the best GMBC weekends 
ever. Great company, trails, weather, and bothy & pub madness!
Did everyone hear about Barry's wee attempt to leave Earth's orbit
at the Sluggangranish mega jumps beside the fire road? I think we 
were all surprised that he wasn't totally spangled after it.
Luckily, I caught it on video whilst the local rock bad were playing
somewhere through the trees. Hope your nerves have recovered Barry!

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  1. I feel like we should chip in and buy Barry this for Christmas. 🙂

  2. just what we needed first thing in the morning…some comedy, thanks Barry.

  3. It was looking good to start with too…

  4. Due to the shame, I’m selling my mtb bikes & sticking to tarmac……although I have considered a change of career and wonder if I’d make it in Hollywood as a stunt man? 😉

  5. Class clip 🙂

    Barry – ya big wean !

  6. Bad luck Barry, a bit more speed and you would have carried it. The club top looks good though.


  7. Gav, Thats got to be worth £250 from you’ve been framed, and Barry, if you’re lucky a hollywood stunt co-ordinator might see it and launch your new career.

  8. As MBUK would say, that is full on Gnarr! Instead of selling your MTB, I reckon you should buy a big freeride rig, suit up some armour and go to Innerleithen… you might have bailed but you went for it and did it in style!

  9. Ah, another of those special moments when the anti gravity field suddenly switches off……
    Better luck next time

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