In the calendar for this coming Sunday…
Author: Graham
Trailcoach Kids MTB Coaching
FYI, Ramsay at Trailcoach is running kids MTB coaching sessions during next week. More details can be found on the Trailcoach website, here;
GMBC Christmas Night Out – Sign Up Sheet
Fill in this form to reserve your place for the GMBC Christmas Night Out at Bibi’s Mexican Cantina – 8th December:
£25 for 4 course meal plus first drink. Limited to 25 people (paid up club members only). This form will be open for a few weeks and we’ll follow up with a WebCollect event to manage payments.
More event details here:
GMBC Christmas Night Out – save the date
Get it in your calendars!! Saturday 8th December, Bibi’s Mexican Cantina in Partick. Time TBC.
4 course Christmas menu – £25 per head (incl first drink and 10% service charge). This doesn’t include any subsequent drinks (they have a license and you a free to spend as much, or as little, as you like on festive drinks).
The Small Print:
- For paid up club members only.
- Bibi’s advised they are limited to 25 people so we’ll start a waiting list if we exceed 25 reservations. If we can extend the reservation with Bibi’s then we’ll take names from the waiting list.
- Reservations will be taken via an online sign up form, on a first come first served basis. The link to the reservation form will be published on the website within the next week.
- A few weeks after the reservations are taken we’ll collect payments via the WebCollect site and you’ll be able to make your menu selections.
- If you don’t pay for your place by the deadline (date TBC, which will be stated clearly on the sign up form) it will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
- If you need to cancel your place after you’ve paid for it and we can fill your place with someone from the waiting list then you’ll get your money back. If we don’t have anyone to take your place then it will depend on Bibi’s cancellation policy.
Offer For Club Members
Scottish Cycling: 4 year strategy workshop
We’re looking for your input to a Scottish Cycling workshop where they will be consulting on their 2019 – 2023 strategy. As we’re an affiliated club, two GMBC committee members will be be attending one of the workshops later this week where cycling clubs will be invited to share their thoughts on what can the governing body can do to develop the sport.
There was a survey issued to collect comments but it’s closed now. If you didn’t complete the survey, or didn’t even know about it but want to have some input then now’s your chance. Perhaps consider;
- what they are doing well & should continue
- what they could do better at
- anything they should focus on
- what do you think the sport’s governing body should be doing to promote cycling (in all it’s varieties)
For reference, here is the page where Scottish Cycling publicised their strategy review. Please have a read and send us your thoughts.
Please send your feedback to info[AT]gmbc[DOT]org[DOT]uk before 4pm on Thursday 23-Aug
Glasgow 2018 Cycling Events
There’s some cycling events on as part of the Glasgow 2018 European Games. Please note the time trial event on 08-Aug may cause traffic disruption on the roads near the club hall (although the event is due to finish by 3:15pm) so perhaps consider the train or cycling out from the city. At this point, the 7pm Intro Ride will still be on.
Coming Soon: Trailcoach Session – Steep & Slippy
Ramsay at Trailcoach is running an advanced skills course aimed at preparing you to ride steep & slippy terrain on 5th Aug, starting from Wheelcraft in Clachan of Campsie.
You can get more info here:
And here:
Coming Soon: Trailcoach Session – Advanced Skills
Ramsay at Trailcoach is running an advanced MTB skills course at Cathkin Braes on 14th July so why not sharpen up your bike handling skills. More info here:
Coming Soon: Trailcoach Session – Core Skills
4th August sees Ramsay at Trailcoach run his Core Skills session at Cathkin Braes. If you’re new to mountain biking or want to go back to basics then check out some info in our calendar and on the Trailcoach site: