Club AGM Wednesday 28th of November 7.30pm @ BMSC

Hello all,

It’s that time of year again when the weather turns sour that we decide to host our AGM.  It gives you an excuse to be out of the rain and come and see what’s been happening in your club. It kicks off at 7.30pm at the Bearsden Milngavie Sports Club bar area upstairs.


What is the purpose of an AGM you ask?

  • It’s to allow club members to hear/see reports from the committee on the achievements and work of the club over the year.
  • For members to elect the committee for next year.
  • If required, to make changes to the club constitution.


It’s to give you, the paying club members an insight to what’s been going on and to have your say about what happens in the future.  It’s a very worthwhile event and it normally lasts the length of a summers evening club ride.  There will be refreshments, some snacks and a wee prize draw for the attendees.

It’s not mandatory attendance but it’s only one evening out of the year. As it’s on a Wednesday night which is our busiest evenings for club rides, I’m assuming we’ll be filled to capacity (hopefully).  There’s normally a bunch who head out earlier that evening for a club ride and finish at the AGM, so keep an eye on social media posts nearer the time for those updates.

Looking forward to seeing you then.

Your Committee

Golfie / Innerleithen trip Saturday 20 October

I am heading down to Innerleithen tomorrow to ride the Golfie. Plan on being there for 10am and ready to ride out shortly after that.

Weather is looking good, been dry for the last couple of days so hopefully the trails will be in good nic.

Trails are awesome fun, mainly black graded natural singletrack decents with fire road climbs to reach them.

I know it’s short notice but hopefully see some of you there. Post up if you coming 😃