2012 Introductory Rides Posted

I’ve posted up the early Wednesday introductory rides on the club calendar.  These are chilled out rides aimed at riders who are either new to the sport or the club and they run from May until August.  The rides start at 7pm on the Wednesday.

We need volunteers to host the rides, ideally 2 existing club members per ride.  If you want to put your name down to host (or attend) a ride then please use the comments at the bottom of each calendar event to do that.

Special Edition GMBC 25th Anniversary Club Top Design

Courtesy of Stephen Malaney’s whizzkid design skillz, we are pleased to unveil the Special Edition club top designed for the 25th anniversary year.  Please see Barry’s previous post about trying on the sizing kit which is currently kept in the club hall.  We will be taking the sizing kit up to Ballater so that as many people as possible have a chance to try on jerseys.

25th Anniversary Club Top Design by Stephen Malaney

Many thanks to Stephen for his hard work and patience putting up with the myriad of tweaks that we asked for.